Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kasi Halwa

Simple yet most yummiest halwa made with just white pumpkin, sugar/jaggery and some milk... seasoned  with ghee & kismis 

White pumpkin 1 (seeds and skin removed)
Milk 1/2 cup
Sugar 3 spoons
butter (melted will also work) as needed
Dried grapes to garnish
Cardamom for flavoring (3)

Prep: 30 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins
Servings: 4

Grate the pumpkin and keep it aside. In a shallow flat bottomed vessel, add pumpkin to it, and Cook it until the water in the pumpkin is vaporized (this is the longest process, takes about 15-20 mins). Now stir in milk to the pumpkin (not the full 1/2 cup, little by little), to it and cook it until the pumpkin becomes mushy and is well cooked. 

Finally add butter and sugar (as per taste) and stir until the butter is completely melted and sugar is completely dissolved. Keep stirring until a nice aroma rises. (This takes about 5 mins)

Melt one spoon of butter or ghee, and once it is hot add dried grapes and cardamom, add it to halwa. (this is just for tempering or garnishing) 

The amazing kasi halwa is ready for serving (best served when hot)!